Never let the fear of failure, shadow your doing of your dream. You are your own person, never let anything or anyone tell you that you can't.. because YOU CAN. When life knocks you down, get right back up on your feet and try again. You can't fail unless you try to succeed.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Golden Rule

These past few days I have been living in Little Rock. I was there Monday and Tuesday for an FBLA State Conference, and today I was there to compete in an interscholastic star award with the AAA. It truly was a blessing to be there today and meet the people I did.
The interscholastic star award is given to a junior in high school who truly exemplifies the three A's. ACTIVE Involvement in School Activites and Community Service, ADAPTIBILITY to Meet Challenging Situations with Courage, Perseverance and Commitment, and ATTITUDE of cooperation, dependability and application of interpersonal skills. There were over 500 applicants from around the state who applied for this scholarship. Somehow, I was chosen in the top 5 of those 500 to be interviewed for the award. The other four kids that I met today were absolutely incredible. Everyone of them were extremely nice, ready to start a conversation and was inspired by how they were living their life. You know, you meet lots of people in your lifetime.. and most come and go. These though, were people who I will keep in touch with, simply because I know they all will be successful in anything they set their mind to. They are the most caring, unselfish, and commited people. On our way out of the driveway today (at 6:00 a.m...), I prayed about the trip. I prayed and said, "God, if today I don't win this award.. I want it to go to someone who truly deserves this and needs the money." My prayer was answered when the winner was a announced, and it wasn't my name. My mom later told me that the winner's dad had tears in his eyes when his son had just won $1,000 toward his college studies. The great looking guy who seemed to be the star athlete and everything more was a kid whose family is going to have to pay for Med School. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted off the shoulders of two men. Even though $1,000 dollars doesn't go far in today's college tuition.. its a start. Its a start to something big. An opportunity to realize that you have hope in doing what you wish.

Today has taught me one of the most important lessons of life. & its the Golden Rule: "Treat others as you would want to be treated." If you do the right thing, your heart is set on the right things, you strive everyday to do right, you encourage others around you to be the best they can be, you volunteer your time to helping people in need, you are happy about life, and overcome the obstacles life throws at you through adversity.. your going to be successful and be rewarded. Rewarded not neccessarily by noriety, or awards.. but by happiness and a feeling of accomplishment. Tonight, the lesson at my church was about this, and I just laughed.. and thought: "God, you are so good!" I want to share with you a couple verses that truly spoke to me.

Romans 13:11-14 (New Century Version)

 11 Do this because we live in an important time. It is now time for you to wake up from your sleep, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.12 The "night" is almost finished, and the "day" is almost here. So we should stop doing things that belong to darkness and take up the weapons used for fighting in the light.13 Let us live in a right way, like people who belong to the day. We should not have wild parties or get drunk. There should be no sexual sins of any kind, no fighting or jealousy.14 But clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ and forget about satisfying your sinful self.

I just want to leave you with a challenge. To wake up and fight in the light. You have potential to impact so many lives around you. Simply, be YOU. Treat others well, love your enemies.. and God will take care of the rest. Don't just let this be a "Oh ya! I'm going to."  and not follow through, but a "YES! THIS IS ME." dedication to what your future will exemplify. Be someone who reflects the three A's and use the Golden Rule.

May God Bless You,
Good night.

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